PA (Attacks against Art’s Autonomy)


Here we will look at the use of Post Autonomy to signal a moment that erodes the Autonomy of art, insitutions, art as a specific body of knowledge.

This section is intended to examine an unexplored aspect of understanding PA, namely the use of PA to define the attacks against the institutions of art, the break down and collapse of what we understand by the European tradition of art. We can also include the problems inherent to the internal or autonomous language of Modernism itself, and possibly to the overall Enlightement project of Art and Philosophy –

Clear example’s we can point to are the cuts to the funding of art in The Nederlands and the end of developing advanced thinking in art that we find in the UK.

The tools, thinking and capacity to analyse this situation are similar to the project of PA as a whole, in other words, it is undeveloped, at the beginning of the process and without recourse to the past to find easy solutions, building on texts by Peter Osbourne, Charles Esche and related texts produced since 2007,  that appear to respond to Post Autonomy now staged during the 2007 Istanbul Biennial.

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