Post Autonomy

This section contains projects, texts, discussions, performances, installations and the history of material and ideas that expand the notion of Post Autonomy 20000 – on going


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Art Bank, Food Bank, Technology Bank

One person show at Villa Caprile, Pesaro, Italy Curated by Camilla Boemio with AAC Platform   Sponsored by Ioana Pioaru and Sistemi2000 Srl   In 2 parts: installation as an archaeology of the conditions  for staging art today and a found Press release.         Found press release    

Forthcoming Projects

1. European Promise, a project by Jochen Gertz, November 2015 2. 20th June Art against austerity, as part of the protest against austerity, London, UK 3. 2015 Spatialisation of Art, PV 21st June, CNM, National Gallery of Macedonia 4. Tolerance and forbearance 2nd International Bodrum  Biennial 12th September – 12th

Exhibition extended

The group show Dispositions in Timer and Space has now been extended until June.

Between Revolution and Heresy

I will give a reading of my text Between Revolution and Heresy on the 6th February at Buro Westaustellung, Vienna, Austria. 06/02/2015 BÜRO WELTAUSSTELLUNG DA­VID GOL­DEN­BERG lec­tu­re Be­ginn 06. Fe­bru­ar 2015, 19 Uhr Ausstellungsort: Pra­ter­stra­ße 42, 1020 Wien BÜRO WELT­AUS­STEL­LUNG Stie­ge 1 / Mez­za­nin → Map Öffnungszeiten: Mo–Fr 14.00–18.00


  Our recent books and other texts can now be seen at The Townhouse, Cairo, Egypt The Digital Resource Library is a collection of readings, publications and surveys written on the developments in e-book production. This parallel line of book making consequently drives publishers, authors and readers into a new culture of

The Scenarios of Post Autonomy

  David Goldenberg in discussion during the opening of the show In Search of Post Autonomy New video on the performance in Milan published by Artribune TV milano/#la mostra personale di David Goldenberg, The Scenarios of Post Autonomy alla galleria Glenda Cinquegrana: The Studio dal 18 settembre al 18

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